Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Given a number, convert it to a string and put commas in it after every 3 digits. So given a number say 100054, function should return 100,054 or for a number like 3040005, function should return 3,040,005.
The key steps in writing an commafy function are:
  • Check if number is 0. In this case return string "0".
  • Check if number is less than zero. Save this information in a variable and make the number positive.
  • Extract each digit from the number and add a comma after every 3 digits.
  • Make sure to append '-' sign before returning result if the number was negative.
  • Remember to reverse the string before returning as we extracted digits LSB first and hence generated string is reverse of expected
const char* commafy(int num)
    char *text = new char(10);

    //Check for num == 0
        return "0\0";

    int i=0, sign = 1, count = 0;
    //Check if number < 0, Save this info in variable sign and make the number positive
        sign = -1;
        num = num*-1;
    //Extract each digit from right and add comma after every 3 digits.
        if(count >1 && (count%3 ==1))
        text[i++] = ',';
        text[i++] = '0' + num%10;
    //Add '-' if number was negative.
    if(sign == -1)
        text[i++] = '-';
    //Add null terminator
    text[i] = '\0';
    //Reverse string before returning 
    int len = strlen(text);
    for(int i=0;i<(len/2);i++)
        char temp = text[i];
        text[i] = text[len-i-1];
        text[len-i-1] = temp;
    return text;

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